(Re)learn to walk

The melodramatic narrative strategy in Garden of Words





Melodrama, Melodramatic imagination, Anime, Japanese animation, Makoto Shinkai


This article analyzes the development of the character Yukari Yukino in the anime Garden of Words (2013), to present how audiovisual productions that are not part of the melodrama genre use its narrative strategies in the dramatic construction of the works. Therefore, bibliographical research about melodrama was accomplished, and film analysis of excerpts from the animation to identify this resource in the conception of the protagonist’s story. As a result, the analysis indicated how a Western concept (melodrama) can be used in a Japanese animation, contributing to the sentimental charge of the narrative, and facilitating its access, considering that it is spread around the world in different media, such as cinema and streaming platforms.

Author Biographies

Thátilla Sousa Santos, Universidade Federal de Goiás. Goiânia – GO, Brazil

PhD student and Master in Communication from the Postgraduate Program in Communication of the Federal University of Goiás (PPGCOM-UFG), in the Media and Culture research line, with scholarship from CAPES.

Lara Lima Satler, Universidade Federal de Goiás. Goiânia – GO, Brazil

Research Productivity Scholarship, CNPq. Professor in the Postgraduate Programs in Communication and Cultural Performances (PPGCOM/PPGPC), Federal University of Goiás (UFG).



How to Cite

SANTOS, T. S.; SATLER, L. L. (Re)learn to walk: The melodramatic narrative strategy in Garden of Words. Intercom - Brazilian Journal of Communication Sciences, São Paulo, v. 46, p. e2023119, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1809-58442023119pt. Disponível em: https://revistas.intercom.org.br/index.php/revistaintercom/article/view/4428. Acesso em: 4 mar. 2025.


