“Dribbling” the hegemonic media

alternative press in the propagation of women’s soccer





Alternative press, Social media, Gender, Women’s soccer, Case study


This paper analyzes how alternative digital media proposes new ways of processing information and allows greater visibility to marginalized topics by the hegemonic press, rearranging meanings with mass media and consumers. The research is centered on women’s soccer, a subject that has historically received little attention from traditional Brazilian sports journalism, and its object study is the Dibradoras, a blog created in 2015 by a group of women whose aim is to expose gender inequalities in sports. The corpus is composed of 696 units published by Dibradoras on Twitter, between June 7 and July 7 of 2019, coinciding with the beginning and end of the Women’s World Cup in France. As a result, it is possible to suggest the empowering of an alternative media channel which amplifies the voice of the participants and promotes counter-hegemonic forms of visibility in women’s soccer.

Author Biographies

Cecília Almeida Rodrigues Lima, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife – PE, Brazil

Professor at the Department of Communication at UFPE. Researcher in themes related to fan cultures, digital culture, digital social networks and serial fiction. Coordinator of the OBITEL/UFPE research group, member of the Obitel Brasil network - Brazilian Network of Television Fiction Researchers. Member of the research group OBMÍDIA/UFPE, Media Observatory – Gender, Democracy and Human Rights (CNPq/UFPE).

Soraya Barreto Januário, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife – PE, Brazil

Professor at the Graduate Program in Human Rights/UFPE and at the Department of Communication at UFPE. Post-Doctorate in Gender Studies at McGill University, Institute of Gender, Sexuality and Feminisms (IGSF), Montreal, Canada. PhD in Communication from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. Researcher on topics related to gender studies, feminisms, sports and media. Coordinator of the OBMÍDIA/UFPE research group, Media Observatory – Gender, Democracy and Human Rights (CNPq/UFPE). Author of the books: Mulheres em campo: o ethos da torcedora pernambucana (2019); Masculinidades em (re)construção: corpo, gênero e Publicidade (2016); Feminismo de Mercado: quando a publicidade e o mercado “compram” as pautas feministas (2022).

Daniel Felipe de Oliveira Leal, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife – PE, Brazil

Master and PhD student in Communication at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Member of the Northeastern Network of Studies in Media and Sport (ReNEme) and of the research group OBMÍDIA/UFPE, Media Observatory – Gender, Democracy and Human Rights (CNPq/UFPE). Researcher of topics related to football, journalism, audience and communication.



How to Cite

LIMA, C. A. R.; JANUÁRIO, S. B.; LEAL, D. F. de O. “Dribbling” the hegemonic media: alternative press in the propagation of women’s soccer. Intercom - Brazilian Journal of Communication Sciences, São Paulo, v. 45, p. e2022116, 2022. DOI: 10.1590/1809-58442022116pt. Disponível em: https://revistas.intercom.org.br/index.php/revistaintercom/article/view/3843. Acesso em: 4 mar. 2025.


