What is ethics?

Four Conceptual Possibilities in Communication Research





Ethics, Morals, Advertising, Communication


This work aims to present four concepts of ethics used in the research project “Ethical-non-moralist advertising.” Each concept treats the term differently: ethics as a synonym for morals, ethics as legislation, statute, or code, ethics as a reflection of morals, and ethics as aesthetics of existence. To achieve the objective, this work uses the bibliographic research method and is based on texts produced mainly by the authors Yves de La Taille (2007), Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez (2017), Clóvis de Barros Filho (2014), Bruno Abílio Galvão (2014) and Michel Foucault (2019). With this, understand that the term ethics can have different meanings and understandings, depending on the context in which it is applied.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Sausen Feil, Universidade Federal do Pampa. São Borja – RS, Brazil

Associate Professor IV at the Universidade Federal do Pampa, leader of the t3xto Research Group (Unipampa/ CNPq), and member of the Research Network Writings of Difference in Philosophy-Education (UFRGS/ CNPq). At graduation, teaches in the Social Communication - Advertising and Propaganda Course; in Postgraduate, teaches and coordinates the Masters degree in Communication and Creative Industry. PhD in Education from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; master in Science Education from Unijuí; and graduated in Social Communication - Advertising from the same University. He explores three lines of research: Innovation and/or invention: communicational masters and/or wasters (GP t3xto); Collection of advertising strategies (GP t3xto); and Communication for the creative industry (PPGCIC).

Júlia Rocha Paz, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Santa Maria - RS, Brazil

Graduated in Social Communication – Advertising and Propaganda from the Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), São Borja campus. Master’s student at the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (POSCOM-UFSM). CAPES/DS scholarship holder (2022-2024).



How to Cite

FEIL, G. S.; PAZ, J. R. What is ethics? Four Conceptual Possibilities in Communication Research. Intercom - Brazilian Journal of Communication Sciences, São Paulo, v. 46, p. e2023202, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/1809-58442023202pt. Disponível em: https://revistas.intercom.org.br/index.php/revistaintercom/article/view/4200. Acesso em: 4 mar. 2025.


